Design of the I2S transmitter

Let´s start with the basic design of a I2S transmitter in VHDL.

In the first part, I would like to show how a simple I2S transmitter can be designed and used to output a constant sound via a loudspeaker using a CS4344 stereo D/A converter.

The sound to be output is to be stored in the block memory of the FPGA and read out by the transmitter which sends the data to the D/A converter.

The entire project is divided into three sections, which I will discuss gradually:

  • A Top design which integrates the system clock and an I2S module

  • The I2S module which integrates the ROM and the I2S transmitter

  • The I2S transmitter

The I2S transmitter

The bottom end of the design should be the I2S transmitter, which has the task of sending the individual data words over the I2S interface.

The block diagram results in the following entity of the transmitter:

entity I2S_Transmitter is
    Generic (   WIDTH   : INTEGER := 16
    Port (  Clock   : in STD_LOGIC;
            nReset  : in STD_LOGIC;
            Ready   : out STD_LOGIC;
            Tx      : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(((2 * WIDTH) - 1) downto 0);
            LRCLK   : out STD_LOGIC;
            SCLK    : out STD_LOGIC;
            SD      : out STD_LOGIC
end I2S_Transmitter;

The size of a data word is defined via the parameter WIDTH.

A three-stage state machine controls the transmitter and is described as follows:

architecture I2S_Transmitter_Arch of I2S_Transmitter is
    type State_t is (State_Reset, State_LoadWord, State_TransmitWord);
    signal CurrentState     : State_t                                       := State_Reset;
    signal Tx_Int           : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(((2 * WIDTH) - 1) downto 0)  := (others => '0');
    signal Ready_Int        : STD_LOGIC                                     := '0';
    signal LRCLK_Int        : STD_LOGIC                                     := '1';
    signal SD_Int           : STD_LOGIC                                     := '0';
    signal Enable           : STD_LOGIC                                     := '0';
        variable BitCounter : INTEGER := 0;
        wait until falling_edge(Clock);
        case CurrentState is
            when State_Reset =>
                Ready_Int <= '0';
                LRCLK_Int <= '1';
                Enable <= '1';
                SD_Int <= '0';
                Tx_Int <= (others => '0');
                CurrentState <= State_LoadWord;
            when State_LoadWord =>
                BitCounter := 0;
                Tx_Int <= Tx;
                LRCLK_Int <= '0';
                CurrentState <= State_TransmitWord;
            when State_TransmitWord =>
                BitCounter := BitCounter + 1;
                if(BitCounter > (WIDTH - 1)) then
                    LRCLK_Int <= '1';
                end if;
                if(BitCounter < ((2 * WIDTH) - 1)) then
                    Ready_Int <= '0';
                    CurrentState <= State_TransmitWord;
                    Ready_Int <= '1';
                    CurrentState <= State_LoadWord;
                end if;
                Tx_Int <= Tx_Int(((2 * WIDTH) - 2) downto 0) & "0";
                SD_Int <= Tx_Int((2 * WIDTH) - 1);
        end case;
        if(nReset = '0') then
            CurrentState <= State_Reset;        
        end if;
    end process;
    Ready <= Ready_Int;
    SCLK <= Clock and Enable;
    LRCLK <= LRCLK_Int;
    SD <= SD_Int;
end I2S_Transmitter_Arch;

During a reset, the output signals are deleted and the clock for SCLK is deactivated. After the reset, the machine changes from the State_Reset state to the state State_TransmitWord. In this state, the machine transmits the content of the buffer Tx_Int via the I2S interface.

As soon as the transmission of the last data bit is started, Ready is set to signal the end of a transmission and the readiness to accept new data. The machine then changes to the state State_LoadWord state, where the send buffer is filled with a new data word and a new transfer is started.

The I2S module

The I2S transmitter is used by the higher-level I2S module to transfer data from a ROM to the D/A converter.

With the following entity:

entity I2S is
    Generic (   RATIO   : INTEGER := 8;
                WIDTH   : INTEGER := 16
    Port (  MCLK     : in STD_LOGIC;
            nReset   : in STD_LOGIC;
            LRCLK    : out STD_LOGIC;
            SCLK     : out STD_LOGIC;
            SD       : out STD_LOGIC
end I2S;

The parameters RATIO and WIDTH define the ratio of SCLK to MCLK and the width of a data word per channel.

In addition to the I2S transmitter, the module uses a ROM, which can be created via the block memory generator and filled with data. Both can be done using Vivado's IP integrator.

Finally, the ROM is initialized with a sine signal coe file via Other Options.

The I2S module uses a state machine to read data from the ROM and transfer it to the I2S transmitter.

architecture I2S_Arch of I2S is
    type State_t is (State_Reset, State_WaitForReady, State_IncreaseAddress, State_WaitForStart);
    signal CurrentState : State_t                                           := State_Reset;
    signal Tx           : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(((2 * WIDTH) - 1) downto 0)      := (others => '0');
    signal ROM_Data     : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR((WIDTH - 1) downto 0)            := (others => '0');
    signal ROM_Address  : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0)                      := (others => '0');
    signal Ready        : STD_LOGIC;
    signal Clock_Audio  : STD_LOGIC                                         := '0';
    component I2S_Transmitter is
        Generic (   WIDTH   : INTEGER := 16
        Port (  Clock   : in STD_LOGIC;
                nReset  : in STD_LOGIC;
                Ready   : out STD_LOGIC;
                Tx      : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(((2 * WIDTH) - 1) downto 0);
                LRCLK   : out STD_LOGIC;
                SCLK    : out STD_LOGIC;
                SD      : out STD_LOGIC
    end component;
    component SineROM is
        Port (  Address : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0);
                Clock   : in STD_LOGIC;
                DataOut : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0)
    end component SineROM;
    Transmitter : I2S_Transmitter generic map(  WIDTH => WIDTH
                                  port map(     Clock => Clock_Audio,
                                                nReset => nReset,
                                                Ready => Ready,
                                                Tx => Tx,
                                                LRCLK => LRCLK,
                                                SCLK => SCLK,
                                                SD => SD
    ROM : SineROM port map (Clock => MCLK,
                            Address => ROM_Address,
                            DataOut => ROM_Data
        variable Counter    : INTEGER := 0;
        wait until rising_edge(MCLK);
        if(Counter < ((RATIO / 2) - 1)) then
            Counter := Counter + 1;
            Counter := 0;
            Clock_Audio <= not Clock_Audio;
        end if;
        if(nReset = '0') then
            Counter := 0;
            Clock_Audio <= '0';
        end if;
    end process;
        variable WordCounter    : INTEGER := 0;
        wait until rising_edge(MCLK);
        case CurrentState is
            when State_Reset =>
                WordCounter := 0;
                CurrentState <= State_WaitForReady;
            when State_WaitForReady =>
                if(Ready = '1') then
                    CurrentState <= State_WaitForStart;
                    CurrentState <= State_WaitForReady;
                end if;
            when State_WaitForStart =>
                ROM_Address <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(to_unsigned(WordCounter, ROM_Address'length));
                Tx <= x"0000" & ROM_Data;
                if(Ready = '0') then
                    CurrentState <= State_IncreaseAddress;
                    CurrentState <= State_WaitForStart;
                end if;
            when State_IncreaseAddress =>
                if(WordCounter < 99) then
                    WordCounter := WordCounter + 1;
                    WordCounter := 0;
                end if;
                CurrentState <= State_WaitForReady;
        end case;
        if(nReset = '0') then
            CurrentState <= State_Reset;
        end if;
    end process;
end I2S_Arch;

The first process is used to generate the clock signal SCLK required for the transmitter from MCLK.

    variable Counter    : INTEGER := 0;
    wait until rising_edge(MCLK);
    if(Counter < ((RATIO / 2) - 1)) then
        Counter := Counter + 1;
        Counter := 0;
        Clock_Audio <= not Clock_Audio;
    end if;
    if(nReset = '0') then
        Counter := 0;
        Clock_Audio <= '0';
    end if;
end process;

The second process takes care of the processing of the state machine. After leaving the state State_Reset, the machine waits in the State_WaitForReady state until the transmitter signals readiness with the Ready signal.

As soon as the transmitter is ready, the machine changes to the State_WaitForStart state. In this state, the current data word is read from the ROM and transferred to the transmitter.

The ROM is shown here only contains the information from one channel. The data must be expanded accordingly for the second channel.

As soon as the transmitter clears the ready signal and begins transmitting the data, the state machine changes to the State_IncreaseAddress state. In this state, the ROM address is increased by one and then switched back to the State_WaitForReady state.

The Top module

The last component is the top design that includes the I2S module and a clocking wizard.

This example uses the following parameters to control the CS4344:

The Clocking Wizard is used to generate the 12.288 MHz clock from the oscillator frequency of the programmable logic. For this purpose, the clocking wizard is inserted via the IP integrator and instantiated together with the finished I2S module in the VHDL code.

entity Top is
    Generic (   RATIO   : INTEGER := 8;
                WIDTH   : INTEGER := 16
    Port (  Clock   : in STD_LOGIC;
            nReset  : in STD_LOGIC;
            MCLK    : out STD_LOGIC;
            LRCLK   : out STD_LOGIC;
            SCLK    : out STD_LOGIC;
            SD      : out STD_LOGIC;
            LED     : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0)
end Top;
architecture Top_Arch of Top is
    signal nSystemReset : STD_LOGIC := '0';
    signal MCLK_DCM     : STD_LOGIC := '0';
    signal Locked       : STD_LOGIC := '0';
    component I2S is    
        Generic (   RATIO   : INTEGER := 8;
                    WIDTH   : INTEGER := 16
        Port (  MCLK    : in STD_LOGIC;
                nReset   : in STD_LOGIC;
                LRCLK    : out STD_LOGIC;
                SCLK     : out STD_LOGIC;
                SD       : out STD_LOGIC
    end component;
    component AudioClock is
        Port (  ClockIn     : in STD_LOGIC;
                Locked      : out STD_LOGIC;
                MCLK        : out STD_LOGIC;
                nReset      : in STD_LOGIC
    end component;
    InputClock : AudioClock port map (  ClockIn => Clock,
                                        nReset => nReset,
                                        MCLK => MCLK_DCM,
                                        Locked => Locked
    I2S_Module : I2S generic map (  RATIO => RATIO,
                                    WIDTH => WIDTH
                          port map ( MCLK => MCLK_DCM,
                                     nReset => nSystemReset,
                                     LRCLK => LRCLK,
                                     SCLK => SCLK,
                                     SD => SD
    nSystemReset <= nReset and Locked;
    LED(0) <= nReset;
    LED(1) <= Locked;
    LED(2) <= nSystemReset;
end Top_Arch;

The design can now be implemented, transferred to the FPGA and tested. Ideally, the D/A converter outputs a 480 Hz sine signal, since the signal pattern from the ROM has a length of 100 samples and the sampling frequency is 48 kHz. The communication and the signal can be checked with an oscilloscope:

Also, the audio signal can be checked. The FFT function of an oscilloscope is the ideal tool to do it.

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